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The Light Bulb Conspiracy

The Light Bulb Conspiracy is a documentary that examines how companies undertake Planned Obsolescence, which is the...

The Amazing World of Gravity

The Amazing World of Gravity is an award-winning hour-long special that dives deep into the mysterious and captivating...

Strain Hunters

Strain Hunters is a sequence of docudramas intended at enlightening the common community about the mission for the...


Richard is the fascinating story of a travelling piano tuner who chooses to live outdoors. Shot in London, the film...


Powaqqatsi, the highly acclaimed 1988 documentary film by visionary director Godfrey Reggio, is the second installment...

A Brony Tale

A Brony Tale is a 2014 Canadian-American narrative film coordinated by Brent Hodge. The film investigates the brony...

Becoming Human

Nothing is more captivating than our own origins and the path that led us to be the humans we are today. That is why...

The Sun

Approximately 5 billion years and fewer than 333,000 times the mass of Earth, discovering the charming history of the...

Science and Islam

Jim Al-Khalili Physical travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to tell the story of the great leap in...