The Best Movies About GeniusesMovies have been a source of entertainment for years, captivating audiences with their gripping storylines and...
Demi Lovato: Simply ComplicatedDemi Lovato's inspirational journey from being a vulnerable Disney star to an empowered pop music icon is now...
Becoming Warren BuffettWarren Buffett is a legendary figure in the business world, and thanks to the feature-length HBO documentary Becoming...
Banaz: A Love StoryBanaz Mahmod was a young woman with a promising future, but her story ended in tragedy when she became the victim of...
The Best Movies About Edgar Allan PoeEdgar Allan Poe, one of the greatest American writers known for his dark and mysterious tales, continues to fascinate...
Kim Peek: The Real Rain ManKim Peek, the real-life individual who inspired the Academy Award-winning performance of Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man...
Killing Us Softly 3: Advertising’s Image of WomenAdvertising has often been a source of harm and inequality towards women, and this trend has continued today. In her...
Jim Morrison: His Final HoursJim Morrison, one of the most iconic and influential rock stars in history, tragically passed away at the young age of...
The Best Documentaries About Adam SandlerAdam Sandler has had an impressive career spanning decades. He's gone from a comedian to an actor, producer, and...
The 9 Best Documentaries About GingersRed hair, freckles and a fiery personality - gingers have always held a special place in our hearts. And what better...
The 10 Best Documentaries And Videos About Randy NewmanIt's no secret that Randy Newman is a legendary music artist. His trademark style has made him an icon in the music...
World’s Scariest Ghosts Caught on TapeHave you ever heard of a ghost story that you just can't shake? The kind that keep you up at night with a sense of...
Imagine: John Lennon – The Definitive Film PortraitImagine: John Lennon, a documentary of John Lennon's life that is powered by Yoko Ono's personal archives, is an...
Will Work For FreeHumanity faces a multitude of threats, from pollution and disease to terrorism and crime. But one of the most pressing...
Why We Breathe: YogaThe documentary "Why Do You Do Yoga?" is an exploration into the true purpose and power of yoga. Shot over a six-month...
The 6 Best Documentaries About Rosemary NdlovuThe movie industry is full of remarkable stories, but there are few as incredible and inspiring as that of legendary...
The Best Movies About Old PeopleAre you in the mood for a heartwarming and meaningful movie experience? Look no further than films about old people....
The Best Documentaries About ParamountAre you looking for an entertaining educational experience? Look no further than documentaries about Paramount. These...