The award-winning documentary series, Edwardian Farm, invites viewers to step back in time and experience life on a turn-of-the-20th century farm. Archaeologists Alex Langlands and Peter Ginn, alongside historian Ruth Goodman, enter the world of Morwellham Quay in Devon where they attempt to create a kind of paradise for themselves while taking part in daily tasks that expose them to the hardships of this era.

Watch as the trio refurbish cottages, unblock chimneys, sow crops and harvest them, use tools from the era and more; offering an incredibly realistic insight into how people lived during the Edwardian Age—an age marked by technological advancement as well as social change. Viewers will be exposed to many aspects of farming such as animal husbandry, crop rotation and much more.

This documentary series is not only informative but also full of adventure! Join Alex, Peter and Ruth as they explore riverside caves, make dyes from plants and discover artifacts that each offer valuable clues about this lost world. Viewers will be taken on a journey that illuminates how rural farming became increasingly mechanized over the years.

Discover what life was like during this important moment in history watching Edwardian Farm. Prepare to be amazed by facts from centuries ago with each episode offering something new to learn about this era. Don’t miss out on your chance to experience this unique perspective—watch today!