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The Human Robot

The Human Robot documentary explores the fascinating connection between biological and mechanical intelligence, and...

The Madoff Affair

Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme was arguably one of the biggest financial frauds in recent history. In December 2008, he...

Waiting to Inhale

‘Waiting to Inhale’ examines the heated debate over marijuana and its use as medicine in the United States. It sheds...

Shark Attacks

Sharks are one of the most feared and mysterious creatures in the sea. For centuries, stories of their vicious attacks...

I knew Bin Laden

The death of bin Laden ends a ten-year manhunt for the world's most wanted man. Before his death, the last known...

The New Clinton Chronicles

On January 20,1993 William Jefferson Clinton became the 42nd president of the United States. at the time, most...

Evolution of Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding has a long and storied tradition of self-improvement, from body image to self-confidence to an...

The Light Bulb Conspiracy

Planned obsolescence is a fascinating concept that has had a major impact on our lives and the economy, yet it is...