The War You Don’t See: Why Propaganda Hides the True Face of War

Jul 8, 2023 | History, Military/War, Videos

John Pilger’s “The War You Don’t See” is an extraordinary, thought-provoking documentary that delves into the pivotal role that media plays in conflict scenarios. It’s an eye-opener that picks apart the impact of ’embedded’ and independent reporting in several significant wars from World War I to the war in Afghanistan.
Pilger brilliantly exposes the intersection of weapons and propaganda while tracing the development of technologies that make modern warfare nothing short of an ‘electronic battlefield’. This gripping documentary poses a fundamental question: In today’s world, who is the real enemy? “The War You Don’t See” connects the dots between the mainstream media’s role in shaping public opinion and the horrifying cycle of war, making it a must-watch for anyone interested in media studies, modern warfare, or journalism.

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David B