Extreme Journeys in PeruDavid, the truck driver from Peru, is the focus of a compelling new documentary. The film follows David’s daily life...
Horror Movie | Dead Mary (2007) | Dominique Swain, Marie-Josée Colburn, Steven McCarthyThe midnight stars glinted down upon a small group of friends gathered in the woods for a weekend of fun and...
Baltic States: On the Edge of War | Mapping the World The Ukraine crisis has thrown the spotlight on Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania – countries that had long been...
GG Allin – Hated: Special EditionThe documentary All Out Chaos: The Story of GG Allin is an incredibly detailed and intimate look at the life and times...
Ibiza, the Craziest Island on EarthThe islands of the Balearic Sea have long been known as a haven for wild and adventurous parties. In recent years,...
The Last Prayer: The Situation of Christians in the Middle EastAs ISIS and other extremist groups continue to threaten, enslave and kill Christians, their history in the birthplace...
Battle to hunt in Sweden’s ArcticFor Sweden's indigenous Sami people, the recent Supreme Court ruling conferring exclusive hunting and fishing rights...
Amazing Quest: Stories from Cambodia | Somewhere on Earth: CambodiaWe can dream of adventure on other planets that we may be able to colonize some day in the distant future... but for...
Central African Republic: Girl Soldiers The Central African Republic has been facing a crisis of child soldiers for decades now, with an estimated 40%...
The Gettys: A Tragedy Of RichesThe incredible story of J. Paul Getty, The Richest Man In The World, is one of great tragedy and family strife. His...
The 3 Best Documentaries About The Sarah Lawrence CultDiscover fascinating stories from Sarah Lawrence College and the cult that surrounded it with these must-watch...
Sudan: Spiderman – Hero of the ResistanceSince the October 2021 military coup in Sudan, protesters have been taking to the streets to show their opposition and...
Outlaw diplomatsDiplomatic immunity is a concept many people are unaware of, yet its implications spread far and wide. According to...
Extreme Jobs: Siberian Smokejumper, Porpoise Paramedic, Inmate EducatorEvery day, people from every corner of the world carry out awe-inspiring work, inspiring others to pursue their...
Who Rules America: The History of Democracy in America | Occupy | ActivismWho is actually in charge of America? Is it the people or a secretive network of powerful people comprising the ruling...
Protests in Lebanon: Christina has had enoughThe documentary "Lebanon's Powerful Women" takes us to the heart of the Beirut protests, where women are leading the...
Living with an extreme disabilityFor Markus Behrendt and Christine Wagner-Behrendt from Kassel, taking care of their son Jascha has been a 13-year...
Greece: Illegal Pushbacks of Asylum SeekersDespite the right of potential asylum seekers to apply for asylum in Europe, the Greek coastguard has been pushing...