The 10 Best Documentaries About WitchesThe mysterious concept of witches has captivated the minds of many for centuries. From their wicked haggard faces to...
With the Tsaatans and their reindeers – The Lords of the AnimalsThe Tsaatans, also known as the Reindeer Herders of the North, is a small indigenous people living in the northernmost...
The 15 Best Documentaries About GermanyIf you're looking for an in-depth look into the history, culture, and politics of Germany, then there's no better way...
Evolution: The Minds Big BangHumans have long been the dominant species on our planet. We have achieved remarkable feats of technological progress,...
Secrets of the ParthenonThe Parthenon of Athens is widely regarded as a classic example of Greek architecture and is currently undergoing a...
Behind the Scenes: Recreating the TempleIn this captivating documentary, Gary Glassman and Tristan Barako take viewers on a remarkable journey to the ancient...
Architecture of Doom The Nazi aesthetic, introduced to the world by Adolf Hitler, was one of the most heinous and far-reaching...
Ep 2/2 Martin Luther: Reluctant RevolutionaryMartin Luther is an iconic figure of Western history, whose actions and beliefs shook the foundations of Europe during...
How Did Budapest Become One of the Most Fascinating Cities in Europe?Budapest is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating cities in Europe, and for good reason. Its unique blend of...
AGHET: The Armenian GenocideThe Armenian people are the world's oldest Christian nation, but few people know much about their history. Over a...
Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal ReserveThe Federal Reserve System is one of the most powerful and influential government institutions, yet many Americans...
The Secret of Mona LisaThe Mona Lisa, a 16th-century masterpiece painted by Leonardo da Vinci, is arguably the most famous painting in the...
Why is Wildlife Filmmaking so Dangerous? | Subtitled DocumentaryWildlife filmmaking is an incredibly dangerous and demanding job. It requires extreme dedication, skill, and bravery...
Egypt’s Lost QueensAncient Egypt was a land of richness and mystery that flourished for over 6,000 years. The lives and accomplishments...
Eceti RanchThe ECETI Ranch is a place for open-minded seekers of extraterrestrial life and contact. Located in the small town of...
Lost Civilizations: The Aztecs | Full DocumentaryLost Civilizations: The Aztecs is a captivating documentary offering viewers a unique opportunity to explore the...
World War II Behind Closed Doors: Stalin, the Nazis and the WestWorld War II Behind Closed Doors is an essential six-part documentary series for anyone looking to gain a better...
World War 1 in ColourWorld War I in Colour is an incredible British documentary series that chronicles the major events of World War I in...