Science documentaries

The Ghost in our Genes

Our genes carry the incredible information about our past. It is this genetic information, which affects our present,...

Exploring Life Extension

Documentary on the immortality of the Institute of Science, exploration of Life Extension, aims to create a realistic...

Human Instinct

Each of us has an array of drives that keep us alive. We are often barely aware of them, but act every day to protect...

Secrets of The Mind

The mind is a heavily studied yet mystery filled thing. We have spent many years studying the most complex organ that...

World Trade Center

Before 9/11, this is the last documentary about The World Trade Center, which was a complex of seven buildings in...

Where We Go After Death?

It is a question that haunts us all. What happens when we die? Some say that they’ve seen the other side. On one hand,...

How Does Your Memory Work?

One of the most interesting aspects to the human brain is the ability to remember, and more specifically beyond...