Yemen – kids and the war

Sep 25, 2023 | Military/War, Social, Videos

Millions of people in Yemen have been displaced and are facing starvation due to one of the world’s most brutal wars and humanitarian catastrophes. However, most of the world community seems to be unaware of it. In a new documentary, three courageous young children share the horrors of war through their own eyes.
In this gripping debut from Yemeni filmmaker Khadija Al-Salami, Ahmed (11), Rima (8) and Youssef (9) lend their camera to put a human face to the tragedy in Yemen. Through their daily lives under daily Saudi airstrikes, they capture the grim realities of living in a war-torn country. The children record testimonies, full of childish innocence, from wounded children in hospitals and children who have lost their parents in the bombardments. They also interview adults who send a powerful message to the only institution they believe can stop the war – the European Union. With no images of violence, this story told by young and innocent minds is infused with an unswerving and incredible hope, that one day the conflict will end.

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David B