Syria: The mysterious kidnapping of human rights lawyer Razan Zaitouneh

Nov 9, 2023 | People, Political, Videos

Razan Zaitouneh was a legendary civil rights lawyer in Syria. When the country was embroiled in a tumultuous rebellion that spun into a devastating civil war, she put her legal acumen to work to help those who were fighting for a better future. But her enemies were many as she made no compromises and took no sides in the conflict. In 2013, Razan, along with her husband Wael Hamadeh and two companions Samira Khalil and Nazem Hamadi, vanished from right under the nose of her community. The elusive ‘Douma Four’ case trapped everyone inside a labyrinth of theories, rumours, and despair. But the docu-series, premiered now, will take you on an investigative journey to understand the fate of the trailblazing Syrian activist, and about the revolution that changed everything.
The makers of the documentary series traveled to different countries, interviewed people with intimate knowledge of the case and dug deep into the archives to uncover what would have happened to Razan, her husband, and her two colleagues. Their insights paint an atmospheric picture of the brutal reality of the Syrian war and its impact on the revolution that Razan and the Douma Four fought for. This is the gripping story of one of the most significant mysteries of Syria’s uprising, a narrative that will leave you haunted with questions about politics, law, and human nature. Watch the series to reveal an astonishing set of events that will make you evaluate the cost of freedom and the price of revolutionary dreams.

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David B