Slaves in Italy?

Jun 13, 2023 | People, Social, Videos

In Italy, hundreds of thousands of seasonal farmworkers are exploited and often forced to live under inhumane conditions in ruins and shanty towns called ghettos. Yvan Sagnet, a former low-wage farmhand from Cameroon, has experienced the mistreatment firsthand when he briefly picked tomatoes on a southern Italian field. Now he calls himself an activist, a modern slavery opponent, and a fighter for the rights of the farmworkers.
Amid death threats, Yvan founded an organization called NoCap to certify the production farmed ethically. He has also taken his fight against exploitation and slavery to the courts, creating a battle that will take a long time to win. Third-person documentary presents the life of Yvan Sagnet, where every day is a struggle to prevent the workers from being manipulated by the infamous Caporale, or the criminal recruiters, who dictate labor conditions and profit off of human exploitation. It’s a powerful story about brutality and resilience, abuse and redemption, and how far one can go to stand up to oppression.

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David B