Kill The Messenger

Oct 4, 2023 | Conspiracy, Videos

An incredible story of injustice and courage is explored in the 2002 documentary, ‘The Cyberstalking of Katherine Jane’. It chronicles the events that unfolded after Katherine Jane was hired by a cyber-security company based in California.

Despite having an impressive resume, she quickly became aware of many serious security breaches that had been overlooked. Despite her best efforts to alert her employers to the dangers posed by these vulnerabilities, she was met with resistance and even ridicule.

Katherine Jane persisted in her attempts to draw attention to these issues and gradually, more people started to take notice. She was eventually successful in notifying government officials about the cyber-security flaws but sadly, this success came at a grave cost; she was fired from her job less than a year later in March 2002 for reporting shoddy work on behalf of her supervisors.

This story highlights how vulnerable we all are when it comes to digital security breaches; however, it also serves as a powerful reminder that one person can make a difference–even when faced with immense challenges and adversity. Those interested in learning more about this remarkable journey should watch ‘The Cyberstalking of Katherine Jane’, which will surely leave them inspired and filled with hope.

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David B