Ireland’s Answer to Tinder

Oct 15, 2023 | People, Videos

For over half a century, Willie Daly has been blessing single people in rural Ireland with luck and love. Every September, the small village of Lisdoonvarna plays host to a centuries-old matchmaking festival – and none other than Willie himself is its star!

Thousands of singles from all around the world flock to the quaint Irish town every year in hopes of finding that special someone. People come from far and wide and can stay up to two weeks for their chance at true romance.

Willie is an integral part of the festival, offering his matchmaking services as an expert. He uses methods passed down through generations by his ancestors, such as studying palms for compatibility and joining hands to check if sparks fly. He also keeps track of singles looking for love in his little red book – filled with names of hopeful men and women looking for a happily ever after.

The Matchmaking Festival has been so successful that it was even featured in a documentary by filmmaker Tony Donoghue called ‘Finding Mr Right’. The film follows Willie Daly on his mission to find someone special for each person who visits the festival, creating beautiful moments along the way. It’s a heartwarming story about finding love in unexpected places – one that you don’t want to miss!

If you’re single and looking for something special this season, why not head over to Lisdoonvarna? You never know what might happen when Willie Daly takes care of things! So make sure to watch ‘Finding Mr Right’ first – then take your chances at the Matchmaking Festival when it comes around next September. Who knows? Your own happily ever after could be just around the corner.

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David B