Sports documentaries

The Whirl is Not Enough

Footbag, also known as Hacky Sack, is a game where you control a small, bean- or sand-filled bag with your feet,...


Murderball is a film documenting the fierce competition between United States and Canada in the 2004 Paraolympics that...

Long Treks on Skate Decks

This documentary gives an adrenaline-rushing account of the adventures of Paul Kent, a world record holder, Adam...

Trans Atlas Marathon 2017

Running a marathon is a challenge not many of us get to cross on their bucket list. But what about running an...


A short film about the passionate people who go to extremes of highlining, walking tight lines between mountain peaks....

Marathon Challenge

In this documentary NOVA traces the lifestyle and an extensive fitness regime that 13 generally sedentary people with...

Box Girl

Started in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya, Box Girls Kenya is an organization that looks to improve girls living in the...

Original Wing Chun

This documentary takes a critical look at the origins of the Wing Chun art, a Chinese martial art that specializes in...