Virgin School

Jan 30, 2024 | Sexuality, Videos

Virgin School is an eye-opening four-month course designed to help sexually inexperienced men learn how to become more confident in their sexuality. The documentary, which follows the journey of 26 year old virgin, showcases his journey as he embarks on this unique experience.

The course is based in Amsterdam and is taught by sex therapists who provide practical advice and guidance to the students. Alongside educational lectures, the curriculum includes individual and group therapy sessions, workshops, and even optional field trips. This holistic approach helps participants understand their hesitations around sex as well as acquire practical skills that will help them conquer any anxiety they may face in the future.

Though there is no guarantee of success at the end of the course, if a student makes enough progress it could culminate with him losing his virginity – a feat that could potentially bring newfound self-esteem and confidence. Virgin School captures all of these personal journeys from start to finish: from learning about consent to build sexual intimacy and getting comfortable with their physical bodies. It’s an inspiring story that highlights how much we can all grow when we are willing to take risks outside of our comfort zone.

Virgin School is a must watch for anyone looking for a realistic look into how people can make changes in their life if they are brave enough to try something new. The honest conversations about approach love, dating, sex, vulnerability will surely evoke emotions – fear included – but ultimately leave viewers feeling inspired to take control of their own lives and relationships.

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David B