Science documentaries

The Ghost in our Genes

Our understanding of genetics and its influence on our health, behavior, and even our future has never been more...

James May On The Moon

James May commemorates the remarkable 40th anniversary of the Apollo moon landings with an inspiring documentary. He...

James Burke Connections

  Connections, the ten-episode documentary television series created by science historian James Burke, is a...

Earth’s Prehistoric All Sea

The mysteries of our oceans have long captivated the minds of man. For centuries, sailors have been travelling across...

Earth: Making of a Planet

The story of our planet's evolution is truly remarkable and filled with incredible triumphs, tragedies, and twists of...

Earth’s Lost Billion Years

The Boring Billion is an anomaly that has left scientists scratching their heads for years. This billion-year period,...

Inside The Monkey Lab

The Biomedical Primate Research Centre (BPRC) in the Netherlands is a nonprofit laboratory dedicated to testing some...