The BBC series Dynasties, narrated by the beloved David Attenborough, showcases the dramatic struggles of five species of endangered animals in their quest to survive against formidable predators and the unpredictable forces of nature. These animals are wolves, tigers, penguins, lions and chimpanzees – all struggling to keep their dynasties intact as the threat of extinction looms.
This captivating documentary takes us on an emotional journey across a variety of challenging landscapes and perilous situations that these creatures must face in order to survive. We witness firsthand the incredible struggles involved with raising young, securing resources and finding suitable territory. Not only do we gain valuable insight into the lives of these magnificent creatures, but we also get a glimpse into how they interact within their own social hierarchies and with each other.
Dynasties offers an inspiring look at how incredibly resilient these animals can be when faced with great adversity and how hard they fight for their families’ survival. It is an emotionally moving documentary that everyone should experience. Watching this remarkable series provides us with a greater understanding of not only these species but also our own place in nature’s chain of life.