Sahel: The fight against terrorism

Jun 5, 2023 | Crime, People, Videos

Jihad without Borders” is a breathtaking documentary that delves deep into the growing threat of terrorism in the Sahel region of Africa. The film covers the jihad incursions that occur daily, including terrorist attacks, murders, and raids on villages that have been going on south of the Sahara for years. The situation is a ticking time bomb that has the entire region on edge.
As African armies struggle to keep their positions, the people who have been left vulnerable have been forced to take up arms to defend themselves. The documentary takes you on an immersive journey that highlights the efforts of Colonel El-Khalil and his company of riders, who spend weeks in the desert gathering intelligence from nomadic peoples, and Mauritanian Special Intervention Groups to track down jihadist cells on the Malian border. With the last bastion of resistance for the 300,000 people living on the Dogon plateau as its focus, this film paints an immersive picture of the challenges and risks of fighting a war with no defined borders. Don’t miss out on the chance to witness their heroic efforts in “Jihad without Borders” by Solomon Kane & Pascal Lerouge.

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David B