The Disappearing Male‘The disappearing male’ highlights a disturbing trend focusing on how the foundation of human development is...
The Devastating Effects of Pollution in ChinaThe single most polluted place on earth, the coal-mining town of Linfen in Shanxi Province, China, where kids play in...
My Name is John | an Interview with my Alcoholic UncleWe have all met a person who is alcoholic once in our life. Some of us live with them on a daily basis. Some of us...
How Eyes EvolvedIf you think the way you see things nowadays is the way people saw things through the history, you are wrong. As...
Burzynski, the Movie: Cancer Is Serious Business‘Burzynski’ is a documentary film centred on medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, who...
Dying To Have Known‘Dying To Have Known’ is a documentary made by filmmaker Steve Kroschel, whose quest to find out about the efficacy...
Fecal Transplant Is Real and Five Other Feces Facts That Will Surprise YouWe all poop. We go to the bathroom on a daily basis. But not all of us poop in the same way. For starters, women and...
Fat Sick & Nearly DeadWe've come to a lifestyle in which everything is easily approached. The importance of a healthy body is slowly...
Heroin Nation"The original documentary has been replaced with a complementary video until “Heroin Nation” can be refreshed. ‘Heroin...
From Bad to Worse: The shocking state of the cosmetic surgery industryWe knew it was bad. We didn't know it was this bad. Two months ago, in a joint 60 Minutes, The Sydney Morning Herald...
Hypochondriacs: When Health Anxiety Becomes UnhealthyHypochondria is an anxiety disorder, manifesting with unrealistic fear that you might have a serious medical...
Tobacco: How It KillsBy now, you see the warning on every tobacco and cigarette package. It says loud and clear “Smoking can kill you”....
Steroids: A Story of Risk and RecoverySteroids are a man-made version of chemicals, known as hormones. Our body produces hormones naturally. But steroids...
The Forbidden MedicineGeorge Hutchings is a 45 year old man suffering from Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy, a muscle and sensation...
13 Strange Facts about MarijuanaAs a society, we are way past illegal consumption of marijuana. While cannabis is still the most commonly used illegal...
Vaccination: The Hidden Truth‘Vaccination: The Hidden Truth’ is an investigative and extremely informative film in which fifteen people, including...
Ecstasy RisingIn this Peter Jennings special, we see a expose of the most popular illicit drug, next to Cannabis, MDMA, or Ecstasy....
House of Numbers‘House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic’ is a documentary film that literally re-writes the story of HIV/AIDS. It...