The History of Hindu India

Jan 13, 2023 | Religion, Videos

Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. The religion has more than 1.15 billion adherents worldwide, which is 15% of the world’s population. With that, Hindu is behind Christianity (31.5%) and Islam (23.2%).

Most of the Hindu followers are in India, where Hinduism is the main religion, along with Buddhism. In Hinduism, nature is sacred, and the concept of spirituality is one of the main postulates.

The documentary focuses on the early history of India and Hinduism, and is based on the first chapter of the book, “History of Hindu India”.

In the documentary, the concept of God is explained, as well as some other concepts like karma, ahimsa, reincarnation, practice of temple worshiping, dharma, major saints, and Hindu sculptures.

And because the best way to understand a person is to understand his/hers religion, we all need to know more about different cultures and traditions. With that in mind, we look at some of the Hindu concepts.

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Riyan H.