Uncovering crime and corruption – Anabel Hernández takes on Mexico’s drug cartels

Jun 27, 2023 | Crime, Drugs, People, Social, Videos

In the highly acclaimed documentary ‘Guardians of Truth’, Turkish journalist Can Dündar embarks on a poignant journey to explore what it means to be stripped of one’s safety in their own country. The story follows Can as he meets exiled journalist Anabel Hernández, uncovering her unprecedented research on drug clans in cartel-ravaged Mexico, and her fight for truth and justice at great personal risk.
In cutting-edge storytelling, ‘Guardians of Truth’ lays bare Can Dündar and Anabel Hernández’s gripping journey of perseverance and survival against political oppression and deadly violence, and highlights the enormous sacrifices required to defend freedom of speech in authoritarian regimes.

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David B