Ukrainians flee Putin’s troops

Sep 23, 2023 | Military/War, Social, Videos

As Putin’s military assault on Ukraine intensifies, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are seeking refuge in neighboring Romania. However, their journeys to safety are fraught with danger, requiring them to traverse war-torn landscapes in pursuit of sanctuary. Among the refugees is 71-year-old Maria, who uses a walker frame to accompany her two young grandchildren on their arduous journey. Despite their exhaustion and trauma, Maria and her grandchildren face additional challenges at the Romanian border as they struggle to meet EU identification requirements.
Meanwhile, other families are taking perilous steps in the opposite direction, returning to Ukraine to be reunited with loved ones caught in the crossfire. Nadja and Roman, not their real names, are among these brave souls determined to return to their war-torn homeland. They left their children with their grandmother in Kharkiv, one of the Ukrainian cities under direct attack from Putin’s troops. However, the question remains: will they make it back to their loved ones in time? Follow the harrowing journey of these individuals and many others in the documentary, “Caught in the Midst of War“.

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David B