Tough refugee deal between EU and Turkey

Dec 26, 2023 | Activism, People, Videos

Millions of Syrians are stuck in Turkey due to the refugee deal struck between Europe and Turkey, which prevents them from moving on. Tensions are on the rise in the country, and refugees are plagued with bad living conditions and increasing attacks from locals. Third-person documentary takes us into the lives of Syrian refugees who had to flee their country due to war and the difficult journey they had to undertake to reach Turkey.
Through this deeply humanistic documentary, viewers get to see how the situation is in Turkey for the Syrian refugees after years of conflict in their home country. It shines a light on the challenges of integration, the struggles of survival, and the emotional toll it takes on a person who has lost everything. It’s a compelling and eye-opening narrative about the plight of millions who have lost their homes and families in a war.

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David B