The new documentary, The Jihadis Next Door, takes viewers deep into the often hidden world of British Islamic extremism. Directed by a former BBC journalist, the film explores the lives of self-proclaimed jihadis living in London and across the UK, exposing their extreme views and activities.

Through powerful interviews with key figures such as ex-jihadi Noman Benotman and former London mayor, Ken Livingstone, alongside exclusive access to radical Islamists preaching hate on the streets of London, The Jihadis Next Door provides an unprecedented look at a troubling phenomenon in Britain today.

The film also traces how these individuals are radicalised — exploring how they were drawn to extremist groups like Al Muhajiroun and Hizb ut-Tahrir — as well as examining why they have chosen to stay despite criticism from both within their faith and wider British society.

By providing real insight into this complex issue which has come to define our modern age, The Jihadis Next Door offers an important window into a world that remains largely unknown for many Britons. It is essential viewing for anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of contemporary Islamic extremism in the UK. Don’t miss out – watch The Jihadis Next Door today!