Senegal: Building Sea Walls

Jul 5, 2023 | Culture, Environmental, History, People, Social, Videos

The city of Saint-Louis, in Senegal, is an important part of the country’s history and culture. Sitting on a thin sandy peninsula known as the Langue de Barbarie, it acts as a buffer between the Atlantic Ocean and the dry inland desert. Unfortunately, this vibrant fishing district is now threatened by rising sea levels due to climate change.

Made up of approximately 20,000 inhabitants, many of whom rely on fishing for their livelihoods, Saint-Louis has already started to feel the impacts of climate change. Rising water levels and increased flooding have caused vast amounts of damage to homes and businesses in the area. The majority of the communities living along the coast have been forced to move away from their homes due to lack of resources or access to safety.

To learn more about these real-life consequences of climate change, watch “Langue de Barbarie – The Story Behind Senegal’s Coastal Crisis”, a documentary produced by Al Jazeera Films that highlights this threat to Saint-Louis and its people. It follows stories from those most affected by this environmental crisis and explains how they can take action against it. Through powerful

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