Sarah emigrates to Israel

Sep 9, 2023 | Lifestyle, People, Social, Videos

Thousands of Jews from all over the world, including Germany, are drawn to Israel each year. They come despite the country’s high cost of living and its precarious political situation, with hopes of making a fresh start in a place they feel a strong connection to. ‘My great-grandmother’s suitcase: Sarah emigrates to Israel’ follows one woman’s journey from Germany to Israel and her quest to trace her family’s history amid the backdrop of her new life.
Sarah Fantl lost many relatives in the Holocaust and her discovery of her great-grandmother’s suitcase at Auschwitz in 2015, inspired her to make Aliyah – an act of returning to Israel, where Jews have a right to citizenship – and start anew. She quit her job and moved to Jerusalem in late 2017 to start learning Hebrew and write a book about her family’s history. Join Tania Krämer and Miriam Dagan on this special report, as they follow Sarah in her efforts to create a brighter future for herself and her family while facing the challenges of adapting to a new environment.

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