Return to Auschwitz

Aug 11, 2023 | Culture, History, Videos

Lea Roth, Peter Somogyi, and Alex Spilberg were mere children when they were deported to Auschwitz with their families. They miraculously survived the horrific experience, which saw their loved ones exterminated in gas chambers. Now, decades later, they are returning to the site of the infamous death camp, accompanied by their descendants, to confront their harrowing past. The documentary explores their journey, delving into their memories and examining how such atrocities could happen.
As survivors of one of history’s most atrocious acts, the trio wants to ensure that the world never forgets what happened at Auschwitz. They want to inspire the next generation to stand up against hate, exclusion, and anti-Semitism. Through their story, the documentary seeks to convey the power of resilience and hope in the face of unimaginable adversity. Don’t miss this powerful and moving exploration of three lives forever changed by their experiences at Auschwitz.

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David B