Noise makes you sick – How can we deal with noise pollution?

Sep 9, 2023 | Environmental, Social, Videos

Loud noises always seem to find a way into our daily lives. Hustle and bustle on the streets, construction sounds, and planes up above the sky- noise pollution has become so ubiquitous that it’s making people sick. But there is hope. There are some groundbreaking solutions out there that might help reduce noise and bring tranquility back to our lives.
In this documentary, you will learn about different innovative solutions that can come in handy in reducing noise. It includes new building designs that keep street noise out, super whisper brakes that make the railcars noise-free, and a new technology that lowers the sound frequency in mining vehicles. And there is more, Professor Jan Werner Delfs and his colleague are in pursuit of silent flight technology inspired by the silent flight of owls. Watch the documentary to learn how they plan to apply the learning of silent flight on an airplane in the future. The documentary is a one-stop-shop for everything related to noise reduction technology.

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David B