New work – The future of toil

Nov 7, 2023 | People, Videos

In the bustling cafes of Europe, the winds of change are blowing. Meet Greta and Jan Navel, salaried employees living their dream life of “New Work” aboard a world-trip bus. Working wherever they please, whenever they please.But the Navels were not the first to embrace this radical new philosophy. In Austria, Germany and Switzerland, the 25 hours-Hotels have recently introduced the four-day work week, leading to a 200% boost in job applications.
Is this the future of work? An expert labor market analyst certainly thinks it’s possible: “If employees can integrate private things into their working day, this reduces their everyday stress and at the same time strengthens their commitment to the company”. And indeed, many companies are taking note, with innovative new working models and improved conditions making even the humble bakery a more attractive workplace.

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David B