Killing for Assad – How one video revealed a mass murder

Oct 5, 2023 | Crime, People, Videos

The upcoming documentary unearths the unspeakable atrocities committed by the Assad regime in Syria. Directors bring to screen disturbing video footage that sheds light on the mass killing of ten innocent civilians in the capital city of Damascus. The gunmen responsible for this crime filmed the act themselves.
The documentary reveals Uğur Üngör’s account of his groundbreaking investigation into the Tadamon Massacre. Historical facts blend with real-life stories as the Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Research (NIOD) historian delves deep into the heart-wrenching story of the victims‘ families that were forced to face the brutal death of their loved ones. The leaked footage, originally meant for internal purposes, exposes the blood-curdling cold-bloodedness of Syria’s leadership. Get ready to experience a journey into the dark and unfathomable minds of those who rule Syria.

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David B