Ireland’s Secret Cults

Nov 12, 2023 | History, Videos

Exposed: Ireland’s Secret Cults is a sensational documentary that dives deep into the unknown world of cults in Ireland. From Christiana Gallagher’s House of Prayer in Achill Co. Mayo, to Tom Cruise’s Scientology, and the mysterious Palmarians, this documentary promises to take viewers on a captivating journey to uncover the truth behind these sects.

At the heart of it all is Christiana Gallagher, owner of The House of Prayer in Achill Co. Mayo. Viewers will get an inside look into her lavish lifestyle and have a chance to examine the validity of her “God given” predictions about our future. It will be up to viewers to decide if her prognostications can be trusted.

The second cult explored in this documentary is Scientology – one of the most well-known and controversial sects around today. Through interviews with ex-members and an examination of their recruitment methods, viewers will gain a better understanding as to why people like Tom Cruise are attracted to joining this enigmatic organization.

Finally, we explore ‘Palmarians’ – a mysterious group from Spain whose followers are rapidly multiplying across Ireland. What makes ‘Palmarians’ so attractive? We take a look at their extravagant wealth and strict rules that have been known to tear families apart in order for members to remain faithful.

This powerful documentary gives viewers insight into what happens when these secret societies become too powerful – offering an eye-opening look at how they operate and affect those inside and outside of their ranks. With its gripping narrative and fascinating characters, Exposed: Ireland’s Secret Cults provides an unforgettable exploration into some of the most hidden corners of Irish culture. Don’t miss it!

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David B