Intersex — redefining gender

Sep 15, 2023 | People, Sexuality, Social, Videos

Christian, a fitness-loving biker with aspirations to start a family someday, has a fateful secret. He was born intersex, neither completely male nor completely female. As a child, Christian underwent surgery and was raised as a girl. Now, as an adult who identifies as a man, Christian is struggling with the consequences of the decisions made for him as a child. In an emotional journey of self-discovery, Christian sets out to learn the truth about the past and the role that he and his family played in shaping his future.
In a groundbreaking new documentary, filmmakers Franziska Ehrenfeld, Insa Rauscher, and Hannah Reineke shed light on the challenges faced by intersex individuals like Christian. Drawing on Christian’s personal experiences and insights from leading experts in the field, the filmmakers explore the complexities of gender identity and the devastating impact that childhood surgeries can have on intersex lives. With heartwarming moments and heart-wrenching truths, this powerful documentary promises to spark conversation and raise awareness about the experiences of intersex individuals around the world.

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David B