Hidden High Tech: Super-Technologies for the Mobility of Tomorrow

Dec 10, 2023 | Technology, Videos

Mobility has been a concept that humans have pondered for centuries, if not millennia. With the desire to transport more people and freight while making mobility as environmentally friendly and safe as possible, it’s no wonder mobility experts are constantly searching for innovative ways to improve our daily lives.
This pursuit of mobility affects billions around the world. With a staggering 8 billion people eager to experience it in every corner of the globe, it’s important to address its impact on the environment. Tens of millions of people take to the skies yearly, while approximately 1 billion vehicles ply the roads. Cities are bursting at the seams, traffic jams are a daily occurrence, and environmental pollution is spiraling out of control.
The pressing concern prompted movements like “Fridays for Future” and activists such as Greta Thunberg to speak up and take action. But climate change’s man-made origins make it almost impossible to entirely stop or reverse the negative impacts it has had on our planet.
Enter digitalization – a radical change affecting entire industries and society as a whole. It presents opportunities to mobility experts, who are rethinking the field to make it possible to maintain growth without creating any more adverse effects on the environment. With hidden high-tech innovations like 3D metal printing and coatings for components used in cars, airplanes, and space travel, there’s a hope for a future where mobility and cities are safer and cleaner.
And now, our documentary showcases these remarkable technological advancements and the people behind them. We take you on a journey to Switzerland’s Oerlikon, a company specializing in developing and producing products for the aerospace and automotive industries and boasts of hidden super technologies in industrial standard 3D printing.
Join us, and learn more about how mobility is changing, and how technology is shaping the way we approach it. Watch our documentary and be amazed at the innovations that are changing our world for the better.

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David B