Jim Killeen, a filmmaker ‘Googled’ his name in a moment of idle net surfing. But he did not stop there; he made the effort of following up on his findings by contacting his namesakes and travelling all around the world to meet and interview them in the quest to either satisfy his curiosity to defeat the innumerable self-imposed social barriers erected since the advent of the Internet.
“Google Me” explores the philosophical subject of self-identity as well as the underlying human conditions that unite us all. The documentary is very entertaining as we are taken through different perspectives on how everything has changed since we embraced technology and internet with open arms.
In this bizarre journey, Jim Killeen the filmmaker in Los Angeles found, among others, Jim Killeen the priest in Cobh, Ireland, Jim Killeen the retired cop in New York, Jim Killeen the CEO in Melbourne, Australia, Jim Killeen the sexual swinger in Denver, and even a lon lost cousin! “Google Me” also features Google’s VP of Engineering, Douglas Merrill, in a discerning interview voicing his thoughts on the subject.