German football fans in Qatar

Oct 10, 2023 | People, Sports, Videos

Four German football fans, Andreas, Christian, Siggi, and Freddy, traveled to Qatar to attend one of the world cup events. However, the tournament has been subject to a lot of criticism right from the start. Just like every other football enthusiast, they too were eager to witness some action live from the stadium.
Despite all the controversy, Andreas, Christian, Siggi, and Freddy still wanted to experience the soccer madness firsthand. Unfortunately, their families couldn’t make it. But they knew the importance of the trip, and so, finally decided to make their way to Qatar. But as the tournament began, they started wondering whether the atmosphere would be what they expected. What were their impressions of the world cup, and did they find Qatar’s hosting to be satisfactory? Find out in this upcoming exclusive documentary, featuring the experiences and insights of Thomas Aders.

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