German aid for Ukraine

Nov 1, 2023 | Military/War, People, Social, Videos

Wilma Peters, a transportation coordinator who is accustomed to arranging tours for musicians, has shifted her focus to organizing relief efforts for war-torn Ukrainians. She is part of a team of dedicated volunteers determined to ease the suffering of those impacted by the ongoing conflict.
This team provides essential items such as medical supplies, groceries, and medication to those in need. The convoy of minibuses embarks on a grueling two-day journey that spans 1600 kilometers across Poland to reach Ukraine. Once there, the donations are distributed into the hands of the grateful recipients in critical need of aid. However, the team’s work doesn’t stop there. As more refugees seek shelter, Wilma and her fellow volunteers resolutely plan to bring as many as they can carry back to Germany with them. Experience the bravery and dedication of these volunteers in this documentaries through the lens of Axel Rowohlt.

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