George Shelley: Learning To Grieve

Jul 3, 2023 | Social, Videos

George Shelley’s story of grief and recovery has become a beacon of hope for those who have lost loved ones. His documentary, George Shelley: Learning to Grieve, offers an intimate look into the bereavement process and offers insight into how we can all cope with tragedy.

The film follows George as he comes to terms with the death of his beloved sister, Harriet, who died tragically in a road accident in 2017. In an effort to move past his pain, he returns to his childhood home in Clevedon, England where he and Harriet had built a strong bond. Here, he accompanies his mother on visits to the grave site; shares deeply confessional feelings about their collective loss; and seeks out tools that might comfort him through this tumultuous period such as yoga, meditation and color therapy.

But it is the human connection that provides Shelley with the most solace throughout his journey. His best friend Emily – who shared a close relationship with Harriet – serves as a rock of support for him during these difficult times while also helping him reconnect with happy memories from their childhoods together. He also visits other people who are struggling to overcome similar obstacles in life like those who have lost relatives or livelihoods along with the will to live.

George Shelley: Learning to Grieve encourages viewers to get comfortable talking about grief and unites them in knowing they are not alone in their suffering – no matter if they are mourning the loss of someone close or grappling with any number of difficult life events. It effortlessly strips away taboos surrounding death and makes it easier for people everywhere to confront tough topics head-on without fear or judgement. With its insightful portrayal of depression and uplifting message about healing, this documentary is a must watch for anyone seeking comfort during difficult times.

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David B