Future cities: Urban planners get creative

Jul 14, 2023 | Environmental, Science, Videos

Our cities are evolving as we speak, and the impact of climate change is evident on every street corner. However, one man believes that he has the solution to reverse the damage caused by years of neglect.
Futurologist Vincente Guallarte envisions a future in which our cities absorb CO2, and become just as efficient as trees in filtering the air. In order to make this reality, his ambitious proposal requires cities to become self-sustaining, with industries and agriculture built into its infrastructure. Greenhouses atop of every building will provide essential greenery, and healthy living spaces for residents. Urban planners are also developing a new power grid, where countries like Germany are expected to become energy producers. With new approaches to communal living and sustainable design, our cities have a chance to become the blueprint for a greener future.

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