Fighting to fight: Equality in the bullring

Nov 14, 2023 | Animals, Culture, Videos

Bullfighting has long been a defining symbol of Spain. Some view it as tradition and artistry, while others see it as a controversial and money-making business. The documentary “Bullfighting in Spain: One Woman Sees Red” explores both sides of this complex issue, following the journey of Conchi Rios as she fights against a sexist industry to become one of the few professional female matadors in Spain.
From her early beginnings as a child ballerina, to her decision to trade in her tutu for a bullfighting cape, Rios faced a climb to the top that was fraught with opposition. Now, as one of the best in her profession, she finds herself encountering even more resistance. Despite being deemed as good as some of the best male bullfighters, Rios struggles to book gigs and faces audience members who would rather head to the bar than watch her in action. Follow her story and see for yourself why this age-old practice has both captivated and polarized Spain for generations.

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David B