Fighting the migration challenge in Malaysia – Founders Valley (2/3)

Oct 30, 2023 | People, Social, Videos

Millions of undocumented migrants in Malaysia live their lives without any prospects, working in dirty, dangerous and demeaning professions. They exist outside the formal infrastructure, most of them in low-skilled jobs under miserable conditions, often lingering on the margins of society. But there’s hope. In this 3-part documentary series, “Founders Valley,” viewers will follow the journey of startup entrepreneurs in Malaysia who are making a difference in the lives of these migrants.
Filmed on location, “Founders Valley” takes you on an immersive journey into these so-called “3D jobs” and the stories of the brave, hard-working migrants who take on such work in the hopes of a better life. Join us as we explore the enormous impact migrants have on Malaysia’s economy and society, and see firsthand the difference entrepreneurship can make in improving the lives of those who need it most. Don’t miss Part 2 of “Founders Valley” as we delve into the challenges and successes of these inspiring entrepreneurs.

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David B