Farewell, Frau Merkel – Foreign correspondents and the German Chancellor

Sep 5, 2023 | People, Political, Social, Videos

As Angela Merkel prepares to relinquish her role as one of the world’s most powerful leaders, foreign correspondents look back on her impressive 16-year career as chancellor in a new documentary. The film follows the perspectives of eight journalists from around the globe, including French journalist Pascal Thibaut, US journalist Patrick Donahue, and Japanese reporter Jun Nojima. Despite their different cultural backgrounds, each experienced political analyst shares a deep admiration for Merkel a guardian of Western democracy.
Through exclusive interviews with these global correspondents,  the documentary offers unparalleled insights into Merkel’s remarkable career and her impact on global politics. With moving personal stories from the reporters who have followed her for years, even to the produce section of her local supermarket, viewers can gain a deep appreciation for the intelligence, humility, and strength of character of one of the world’s most powerful women. Produced and directed by Robert Richter, this is a film that will stay with viewers long after the final credits.

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David B