
Mar 11, 2023 | Science, Videos

It’s a tough world, violent and deadly than any, and has been since the dawn of time. Approximately 99 percent of all species are extinct.

What allowed other one percent to survive the fierce competition? Their ability to …. EVOLVE. Through an impressive combination of drama, animation, live action images of nature and the laboratory work, to discover the biological and behavioral innovations that have kept everyone on this earth!

1. Eyes – Seeing is believing … not to mention escape, eat and survive! Learn how the eye evolved from ancestors of jellyfish who developed photosensitive cells of the unique adaptations that allow primates to better exploit their new habitat, while the ability to see colors helped them find food.

2. Sex – Sex is a necessity for most species to survive. As evolution continues, we are approaching a time when sex is no longer a need? How is this possible?

3. Size – How to match? Understanding the processes that gave us incredible vertebrates smaller than a fingernail (a frog in Cuba) and a diesel locomotive (a blue whale). But what are the mechanisms of these adaptations, the evolutionary pressures that the effect size, and life can reach the physical limits?

4. Skin – The skin is absolutely amazing, much more complex and versatile than you ever give credit for. They constitute 16% of their body weight, is the largest organ in the human body, enabling birds to fly, mammals feed their babies, and provides a lifelong defense against predators and parasites like.

5. Flight – In this episode of top-flight, discover the secrets and mysteries to continue, the steering wheel very first vertebrates, the pterosaur, which escaped from its earthly bounds 220 million years. This creature eventually became Goliath flying the sizeof small planes!

6. Communications – Communication is not only key to a good relationship, but also goes a long way towards the success of a species. While humans, comfortable in the top of the food chain, have made the most of this particular developmental achievement, bodies everywhere – from dolphins to amoebas – can be found talking to each other.

7. Guts – Do not just take willpower to survive. It takes courage. Life needs energy to exist and almost all animals get their energy in the same way – with built in power plant, a digestive system that turns food into fuel. Take a look at the role of the gut have played in shaping some of the most successful animals on Earth: dinosaurs, snakes, cows, and us.

8. Poison – The deadliest weapon used physical in the animal kingdom has evolved independently in such diverse creatures as jellyfish, insects, snakes, and even mammals. Scientists around the world show how developments in poison adapted to meet the needs of the animals that exercised.

9. Speed – The ability to react and move often can mean the difference between life and death in the animal kingdom. Some animals have become drivers in the championship, swimmers and runners. What are the forces that create the need for speed, and how to adapt to the bodies of animals go into overdrive?

10. Jaws – Be prepared to force open some of the most deadly jaws on the planet as we present this weapon anatomical strong and fierce. Sharp, threatening and eating a device, the jaws of many animals are essential for survival. Back along the evolutionary line to find out how different jaws developed in the first place.

11. Form – Each form in nature, no matter how strange it may seem, was developed as a result of the struggle for survival. Today, the animals are trained in many different forms and most of them are foreign, strange-looking. But the form is still vital.

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Riyan H.