Europe’s Biggest Port: The Port of Rotterdam | Giant Hubs | Episode 2

Sep 19, 2023 | Technology, Videos

The Port of Rotterdam is a logistical masterpiece and one of the most innovative ports in the world. Its handling capacity of over one million tons per day is nothing short of astonishing. The port’s success is largely due to the punctuality of the over 180,000 workers who operate within its boundaries.
From maritime pilots to terminal operators, every worker at the Port of Rotterdam follows a carefully synced and tight schedule. This allows more than 130,000 ships to call at the port every year, including container ships, inland ships, and even cruise ships. It is truly a bustling hub of activity, with a total of 350 ships a day.
While the port handles over 140 million tons of container goods a year, there are also cases of “unwanted” cargo getting through. Europol estimates that half of all cocaine that circulates in Europe is smuggled through Rotterdam. Customs officers play a critical role in making sure the port is secure. With 650 officers on duty every day, suspicious containers don’t go unnoticed.
Innovation is at the heart of the Rotterdam. The port operator ECT opened the world’s first automated terminal here as far back as 1993. Its 100 automated vehicles are the secret behind its efficiency. Invented in Rotterdam, they are now being implemented in more ports around the world. By utilizing automation, the terminal saves on personnel costs and decreases turnaround time.
The level of activity at the Port of Rotterdam is immense, making it a truly fascinating subject to explore. The good news is that you can get an exclusive look at the port by watching the documentary on offer. Behind the curtain, you can learn about the incredible level of coordination and cooperation necessary to keep the port running on time. So, be sure to watch this documentary and gain a deeper appreciation for the Port of Rotterdam!

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David B