Devastating drought and famine in Somalia

Aug 10, 2023 | People, Social, Videos

Somalia is facing the worst drought in 40 years, and half of its population depends on food aid. The United Nations warns that by mid-2023, as many as half a million children under the age of five could die unless one billion U.S. dollars in aid money urgently arrives in time. Mariel Müller reports from Baidoa in southwestern Somalia, the region hit hardest by the famine.
This documentary sheds light on the complex causes of the crisis, including climate change, sky-high food prices driven by the war in Ukraine, and an economy devastated by decades of internal conflict, Covid-19 pandemic, and Islamist terrorism. Survivors share their powerful stories, revealing the impact of the crisis on their daily lives, and the resilience that keeps them going. Join us on a journey to one of the world’s most neglected crises, and explore the people behind the numbers in Somalia’s struggle for survival.

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David B