Deadliest Roads | Pakistan

Jun 23, 2023 | People, Videos

The Lowari Pass in Pakistan winds its way through the rugged and remote terrain of the Hindu Kush mountain range, which borders Afghanistan. For ten kilometres, this treacherous road is known among the locals as “the death tunnel”; landslides and avalanches are frequent, so much so that entire sections have to be cleared of debris each day. It is a daunting task for drivers such as 23 year-old Dawood who make their living transporting passengers and cargo through this passageway. The smallest miscalculation or mistake can prove fatal.

The documentary film “Lowari” brings audiences on an eye-opening journey through this incredible region, narrated by Dawood and his fellow drivers. Viewers will witness their daily struggles, from overcoming tremendous physical danger to negotiating areas filled with landmines left over from decades of war. There are breathtaking sights too: sweeping panoramas of snow-capped mountains, villages tucked into narrow valleys, and ancient monuments that offer a glimpse into the area’s rich cultural heritage.

This is a riveting account of life on one of the world’s most dangerous roads and an incredible testament to human strength, resilience, and courage in the face of impossible odds. We invite you to join us on this remarkable journey by watching “Lowari” – an unforgettable experience that simply cannot be missed!

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David B