Deadliest Roads | Congo Katanga

Jul 19, 2023 | People, Social, Videos

The documentary “A Train Named the Swallow” takes viewers on an incredible journey through the Democratic Republic of Congo. The film follows more than two thousand passengers, three times the train’s capacity, as they travel along a 1600 km railway network that has been neglected for decades. The dilapidated infrastructure and constant breakdowns make it an arduous journey, but also a unique opportunity for merchants to sell their goods from village to village.

The “Swallow” offers a gritty insight into everyday life in Congo, where transportation is unreliable and roads are often impassable during the rainy season. Trains are often overcrowded with people standing on rooftops and peddlers pushing their bicycles loaded with merchandise through sand and mud.

This captivating documentary takes audiences on a remarkable adventure across Katanga and beyond, allowing them to experience the struggles and joys of those living in one of Africa’s most populous countries. It provides an eye-opening look at the resilience of Congolese people who try to make the best out of difficult conditions and succeed despite all odds.

For anyone seeking to gain a better understanding of life in Congo, this documentary is essential viewing. From its unforgettable characters to its stirring soundtrack, “A Train Named the Swallow” offers an authentic account of a country that remains largely unexplored by outsiders. So don’t miss your chance to join this incredible journey!

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David B