Deadliest Roads | Bolivia

Jun 13, 2023 | Environmental, People, Social, Videos

In the year 2007, a documentary series aired its very first episode on the network. It explored the criss-crossing valleys of Bolivia, hundreds of meters above the ground, in which a network of makeshift cables was set up. What made this network of cables unique was the people that clung on to them while whizzing across the mountains. The coca growers of Bolivia use it to transport their precious harvests across the perilous and treacherous paths.
The inherent danger associated with this mode of transportation was palpable – a simple slip could result in a fatal accident. As if that were not enough, once the coca growers managed to cross the valleys, there was a new obstacle waiting for them in the form of the ‘Camino de la Muerte’, or Highway of Death.
This highway served as the only means to connect Bolivia’s administrative capital, La Paz, with the Amazon Basin. Travelling along this highway was nothing short of a death-defying feat as it was officially declared as the most dangerous road in the world.
We encourage you to watch the first and eye-opening episode of the series, ‘World’s Most Dangerous Roads: Deadliest Journeys in Bolivia’ to get an in-depth look at the inherent danger these locals contend with daily.

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David B