Conscription for women in Norway

Aug 6, 2023 | Military/War, Social, Videos

Norway made a radical move in summer 2016 by extending compulsory military service to women. Today, women form around ten percent of the country’s Armed Forces, playing an increasingly important role in shaping its future. If you were a medically fit woman between 19 and 44 years of age, you would be obliged to undergo at least 19 months of rigorous military training.
The documentary takes you behind the scenes to explore the challenges and triumphs of women who have participated in the Norwegian Armed Forces. You’ll meet some of the incredible women who started as strangers but emerged from their service with a bond that will last a lifetime. Through their eyes, you’ll witness the transformation of Norway’s military, and get a glimpse into what it means to serve your country in a truly groundbreaking way.

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David B