Amazing Quest: Stories from Laos | Somewhere on Earth: Laos

Aug 30, 2023 | Environmental, People, Videos

The Upper Mekong is an awe-inspiring and mythic river that forms the natural border between Thailand, Burma and China. Traveling along its length is Leua, an itinerant vendor who spends a part of each year with his family exploring this ancient river. He has a deep understanding and knowledge of the area, gained through years of experience in traversing the waters.

Joining him in his travels is Pheng, another traveler who prefers to explore the most remote parts of Asia at the wheel of his old army truck. But it’s not just any trip for him; he also practices meditation and sees his journeys as a way to progress on the path of wisdom – something all Buddhists aspire to do.

Down south near the Cambodian border lies the Khone Phapheng Falls – one of Southeast Asia’s biggest waterfalls. That doesn’t mean venturing here is easy though; Sohane, a fisherman in these turbulent waters, must place his life in the hands of local spirits as he goes about his work. It’s a dangerous but rewarding profession as he too discovers new knowledge while living among ancient traditions.

For those wanting to learn more about this unique part of the world, there is no better way than by watching “Path Of The Mekong,” a documentary following Leua, Pheng and Sohane on their journeys along this majestic river. Through stunning visuals and interviews with locals, viewers will gain insight into their lives as they journey across three countries. It’s an eye-opening exploration into how these travelers find their own paths towards wisdom and understanding – a journey that we can all relate to.

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David B