Such Hawks Such Hounds

Oct 23, 2023 | Performing Arts, Videos

Such Hawks Such Hounds is an exciting documentary that dives deep into the largely undiscovered and underappreciated world of American hard rock from 1970 to 2007. This documentary uncovers a diverse range of psychedelic, proto-metal and other musical styles that have become integral parts of our culture over the past few decades but are often overlooked or forgotten.

The film focuses on some of the most influential artists during this period such as Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, The Stooges, Nirvana, Sonic Youth and many more. It also showcases some lesser known but still impactful acts who were part of the underground scene at the time.

The documentary combines interviews from key players of the time as well as rare footage and compelling stories to tell an important yet untold tale. Through these interviews we hear about their thoughts on how music evolved over that period and how it influenced their work in turn. We also get an insight into what drove them to create their unique sound and ultimately help shape modern

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David B